Pontotoc City School District Job Fair
Pontotoc City School District will host a job fair at the Pontotoc Community House on March 7, 2024. For more information, you may contact Christy Suggs at [email protected]
Counselor Appreciation
2/05/24 Happy Counselor's Week to Mrs. Tobi; we appreciate you and are thankful for everything you do for us here at PES!
Book Vending Machine Donation
2/05/24 We are very thankful to Toyota for donating a book vending machine to PES! The students and teachers are very excited to see it being used. We are beyond thankful to Toyota for thinking of us!
PES Book Fair
2/05/24 The book fair will be at PES from February the 12th through the 16th. Family night will be Thursday the 15th from 4 - 5:30!
PES Book Fair Online
2/05/24 Below is a link to shop the book fair online and see the book fair's website with all the information you need! February the 12th through 16th!
Mrs. Reeder's Class
2/05/24 A group of 2nd graders from Mrs. Reeder's class read the nonfiction book "The Game of Mancala" this week. Students constructed their own Mancala boards based on the instructions from the book and used dried beans as game pieces. Then, they got to teach their classmates how to play!
PES Science Fair
2/01/24 See attached flyer for more information on the science fair at PES.
Can You Escape?
(2/9) Ms. Luther's third grade math class collaborated with their peers to complete an equivalent fraction escape room. Students had fun while reviewing skills they've learned in class over the last few weeks!
DTC Elementary Beta Club Induction
(2/8) D.T. Cox will hold it's Elementary Beta Club induction on Monday, February 12, 2024 at 8:30am. Friends and family are invited to this special event!
Making Laws
(2/7) During Social Studies, Mrs. Heatherly's fourth graders are learning about how the government works. They learned how a bill becomes a law. Students wrote a "bill" (rule) for the class. They worked together to revise and come to agreements and ways these rules could work in the class. Then, they voted for the rule "bill" they wanted the most. Afterwards, the teacher had to approve the bill and and sign it into law. The class voted to be able to eat a snack in class as long as they clean up after themselves, do not make a mess, or leave trash.
Sweet Fraction Practice
(2/7) While studying fractions, Mrs. Kirk's third grade math students read
"The Hershey's Milk Chocolate Fractions Book" by Jerry Pallotta. Afterwards, they separated parts of a whole and had a delicious chocolate snack when the lesson was finished.
Magnolia Database
(2/7) During library this week, Mrs. Dowdy demonstrated how to use Magnolia Database. Magnolia Database is funded by the Mississippi Legislature, and provides online research databases for schools and other organizations in Mississippi. Students used Magnolia to complete an animal research report on their favorite animal.
The Twits
(2/6) Mrs. Chrestman’s fourth graders recently read the book "The Twits" by Roald Dahl. After completing the novel, the students acted out a play based on the story.
Junior Beta Club Officers 23/24
(2/5) Congratulations to the following students for being chosen by their peers to represent D.T. Cox as our Junior Beta Club Officers for the 23/24 school year!
President: Cooper Hill
Vice-President: Isabella Golden
Secretary: Andi Washington
Chaplain: Jackson Bailey
Treasurer: Ila Haze Manning
Historian: Jack Harris Owens
Reporter: Alice Russell
Feelin' the Blues!
(2/5) Mrs. Hilliard's 3rd grade gifted students worked on creating an art piece inspired by Pablo Picasso's blues period. Students began a unit on Mississippi which focuses on various Mississippi musicians, artists, authors, and chefs. Students connected Picasso's blues period of painting with the famous musician, B.B. King. They listened to blues music while using pencil and watercolor to draw and paint a "blues guitar". Their work also reflected Picasso's cubism style. Students will create a name for their guitar as well, just like B.B. King!
PMS is Blessed with the Best Counselor!
(2/6): Happy School Counselor's Week to the best! Our students and staff are blessed to have Mrs. Ritchie as our counselor. PMS is thankful for her dedication and passion for our students.
PMS Junior Beta Club Induction
(2/6): The PMS Junior Beta Club induction was Monday, February 5, at 6pm in the PJH auditorium. All new members are welcomed to the Beta Club during the induction ceremony. The new officers for 2023-24 Jr Beta Club led the induction by giving the pledge, informing audience of the key aspects of Beta Club, and announcing and presenting the new members with pins and certificates.
5th grade Winter Benchmark Rewards
(2/6): Last Friday, the 5th graders got to celebrate their growth on their Winter Benchmark tests. They got to wear pajamas, enjoyed hot chocolate and donuts and some fun in the Warrior Room.
PMS is selling Valentine's Day Candy Grams
(2/2): Candy Grams will be sold for Valentine's Day each morning in the 5th and 6th grade halls for $1.00. Each candy gram will include a small card and candy!
PMS Book Club
(2/1): Exciting news for PMS students! The book club has started this semester. Several students have attended and look forward to discussing the books. The book club allows students to meet, talk, and discuss events from the books during break.
Music and Poetry
(2/6) Our 8th grade ELA classes completed a unit focused on integrating poetry and music. To begin the week, students were asked to select 3 songs that they felt described their life and write about each song. The next day, students practiced analyzing "poetry" with one of the songs that they chose. For the rest of the week, students will focus on analyzing and deciphering song lyrics and their true meaning. Poetry always has a way of making students a little nervous, but by showing them that songs are just poetry set to music, we were able to build their confidence in reading and analyzing poetry.
Narrative Writing
(2/6) Our 7th grade English students did a writing activity in which they got to be creative. Groups were given different narrative writing prompts, and each student had to start writing a story on the given topic. After a few short minutes, each person in the group had to trade their papers with the other members, and they continued each others’ stories. This went on for a few rounds until the story was complete. Everyone had a fun time seeing what they could come up with to make their stories silly, dramatic, or interesting!
National School Counseling Week
(2/6) PJH would like to take a moment to thank our counselor, Mrs. Kelsie Cruse for her dedication to ensuring our students have someone to listen and help them when problems arise. She is always willing to go the extra mile for every student at the Junior High. Thank you Mrs. Cruse for everything you do! Happy National School Counseling Week to our favorite counselor, Mrs. Kelsie Cruse!
Taking Physics Outside
2/8/24: PHS physics students studied projectile motion this week. They put their skills to the test hitting golf balls and kicking soccer balls. Students collected data and were able to determine the horizontal and vertical components of the projectile's velocity. They were also able to determine the launch angle of each projectile.
Workforce Wednesday Guest Ben Russell of Winchester
2/6/24: On January 31, Pontotoc High School career coaches had special guest Ben Russell of Winchester come and speak to students about the history of Winchester and all the different career opportunities Winchester offers, from production workers, to engineers, to IT personnel, industrial maintenance, human resource, and accountants.
MS Poetry Project: Who I Am statewide winners!
2/5/24: PHS is proud to announce Chloe Shaw is a 9th grade winner of the MS Poetry Project. Statewide winners will receive certificates of congratulations and will be invited to share their winning poems at a reading to be announced. All school-wide winners (not just the statewide winners) will have their poems published in the Mississippi Poetry Project anthology. Every student in the anthology will receive a copy. Congratulations to Chloe, and to all of our talented writers!
Career Expo Participants Recognized
2/5/24: Congratulations to the PHS Sophomore Class for having 100% participation in the Virtual Imagine the Possibilities Career Expo. They also finished second place in points in our 17 county area by earning a total of 42,458 points. 80 of the PHS Sophomores had 120 or more points, which qualifies them for upcoming prize drawings.
3rd Annual Dress Drive
2/1/24: On Saturday, March 2 from 9:00am to 3:00pm at PHS, prom dresses and accessories will be available at no cost. This event is hosted by Katherine Adams & sponsored by Mrs. Bramlett with FEA. You do not have to be a student at PHS to get a dress.
Design Discovery Architecture Camp Opportunity at Mississippi State University
2/1/24: The major goal of Design Discovery Camp at the Mississippi State University School of Architecture is to simulate the information, skill, and intensity required for an architectural education and to give clear insight into the practice of architecture. With this experience, it will be possible for the participants to make an informed career decision about architecture and its related disciplines.
Vet Camp at MSU
1/31/24: The Toyota Wellspring funded veterinary medicine camp application has opened at Mississippi State University. Toyota Wellspring provides first come, first served camp scholarship funding for students who are currently in 6th-11th grades. If your child is interested in the camp and you are interested in your child receiving full scholarship assistance, please indicate they are a student residing in Pontotoc, Lee or Union counties on the application.
Wanek Scholarship through Ashley Furniture
1/30/24: Are you majoring in one of these fields of study?
Automation Technology, Automation & Robotics, Carpentry, Commercial Driving, Construction, Diesel Technology, Electrical, Electromechanical, Engineering (Automation, Computer, Design, Electrical, Industrial, Manufacturing, Mechanical) Heavy Equipment Operation, HVAC, Interior Design, Information Technology (IT), IoT (Internet of Things) Machine Tooling, Manufacturing, Mechatronics, Pipefitting, Plumbing, Welding & Fabrication. If so, the Wanek Scholarship from Ashley Furniture may be for you.